The Art of Getting What You Want

Basic Idea

This is simply how we go about getting what is most important to us.


How It Works

Forget fancy trainings or processes.  There are three basic strategies:

  1. Accept what happens’ is when trust that ‘what will be’ is what is best for us, so we don’t need to do anything to change it.
  2. React to what happens’ is when we aren’t happy with what happens, so we try to change it after it has affected us.
  3. Do what should actually work’ to increase the chances that we get what we want beforethey happen.

Each style has pros and cons, as well as times when it us particularly beneficial.  

Simply matching what we want with how we go about getting it just makes the most sense.


How to Do It

The simplest way is also the most effective. Start with knowing what is most important to you, by asking yourself:

  1. How will my life be better, if I can do this?
  2. What are all the ways I could go about this?
  3. Of these, which is the most likely to work best, with the least investment of time, money, and work?

The most important thing you can do is to ‘think before you do’ anything, to prevent jumping to actions that can make things worse. 

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